WaterFire International is a highly successful city-scale artwork. We design coordinated approaches to ‘rebuilding’ cities and towns employing the techniques and holistic vision of creative placemaking, in balance with public art principles and specific recommendations built on decades of experience in the field.
Our goal is to work with the community to find ways to change a town’s or neighborhood’s image of itself into one with positive momentum and active citizen engagement with progress. Public art, artistic activity, and creative placemaking can help citizens build a sense of home where they know they belong — where one can have agency and inspiration to work together to change things for the better, creating a framework for a self-sustaining positive trajectory that will build both economic growth and jobs.
To create a successful public place WaterFire International does not follow a ‘cookie-cutter’ procedure. We listen carefully, we observe the entire landscape and then using all the resources available, so that we are able to create a place that is activated in a moving way, that can achieve the goals of the local community giving them agency and purpose, that welcomes and engages visitors so that they too are included and impressed.